Happy September!

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September is one of the busiest months of the year!  Summer is pretty much over (sadly it might be time to stop pinning to our summer boards), and I have a few tips for you to transition from Summer to Fall.

Wear neutral brights
That was a complicated way to explain it, but you can still use your bright clothing if you pair it with the right fall colors!  Go for a yellow, red, or orange.

Find ways to de-stress
Sometime in the next week I will be posting some ways to de-stress but for now I will tell you to start finding simple ways that work for you.  Notice what makes you feel relaxed and calm (except chocolate, of course!), and do those things more often when your life is crowded with work and worries.
Don't let your skin get dry
A little  trick I use everyday when I put my makeup on is to not dry my face entirely after I wash it, then put on moisturizer, and then put my foundation/concealer on.  Mixing your foundation with your lotion will give your skin a fresher look.  Just remember to put moisturize your lips, legs, and  face at least once a day!  Drinking lots of water is also going to help a lot more than drinking soda.
my favorite moisturizer that I swear by
Wear a lot of light jackets
You really don't get to wear your jackets any other time of the year.  I love a great tan trench coat with the sleeves rolled up like the photos below.

Enjoy the holidays
Holidays are for having a good time!  Throw parties or have get-togethers with friends for all of the festivities of fall.

Embrace the season.
Don't waste your life waiting for another time over and over again. Just embrace and enjoy your surroundings as they are!

1 comment

  1. Ok, so my friend moves to England, has the hottest Instagram, coolest Pinterest, and has her own fashion blog that's totally vogue. Could yoube any more awesome? love you tons, girl. Continue your inspirationally classy ways! (:

