Here's what you'll need:
- 1 part coconut oil
- 1 part brown sugar
- 2 parts honey
- a drop or two of vanilla extract
- a tiny squeeze of lemon** {optional}
- crushed coconut {optional}
- a small container to keep it in
**use any fruit such as grapefruit, lime, orange, etc.
Now all you really need to do is mix it in a bowl with a spoon and put it in the container! Be sure to add extra honey/brown sugar if it seems too stiff or runny.
To use: 1. put a bit on your lips and rub together for 10 seconds.
2. lick it or wipe it off
Can I just put this behind my ears(like perfume) and wear it all day? Ummm better not, it will just make me hungry...Gammie